About Department of Medical Biochemistry


  • Development of Direct Sarcomere Modulators
  • Drug discovery targeting Protein Degradation Pathways
  • Transcriptional Regulation & Single-cell Transcriptome
  • Develop Therapeutic Agents for Mitochondrial Diseases

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About Department of Medical Biochemistry

History of elucidation of life activities and structure of proteins

History of elucidation of life activities and structure of proteins

All living things are living in accordance with the laws of the universe.
Organism is formed as an orderly individual by suppressing the increase of the spreading entropy in the law of the universe where the entropy keeps increasing.

Not only did organisms use energy very efficiently, but they were able to synthesize even more complex proteins, because they could convert even more entropy and even Brownian motion of molecules into meaningful life activities. The history of elucidation of life activities can be said to be the history of elucidation of the structure and function of proteins.

Difficulties in solving the mysteries of various proteins ……

Difficulties in solving the mysteries of various proteins

With the rapid development of molecular biology, the basic structures of various proteins and in vivo networks in which they interact with one another have become clear.

At the same time, we were reminded in the 21st century that there are incomparably more events to be elucidated than in the past that have been elucidated.

Elucidating complex events and treating diseases

Elucidating complex events and treating diseases

Elucidating complex connected events is accompanied by great difficulties, but the peculiarity of biology in which the function of every single protein is always reflected in the whole life activity is the significance of our research.

From this point of view, we give priority to “exploratory research that first discovers new biological phenomena at the molecular level”, and by connecting it to our unique physiological function analysis system, we turn small discoveries into large vital functions. Finally, the goal is to lead to an understanding of the pathological condition and treatment of the disease.

As of 2019, as many as nine drug discovery pipelines are running in the laboratory, and each is being developed as a completely new drug based on exploratory research.